
Let’s get in touch

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Are you thinking about selling your business, or simply exploring various growth options available for your brand? Get in touch with us via the contact form. We’ll be pleased to schedule a dedicated one-on-one call with you and one of our Acquisition Managers to discuss all of your questions.

You know your brand better than anyone else - so tell us all about it. After the first call, we will discuss your brand’s potential, brainstorm growth ideas, and get back to you with an initial evaluation of your business, and the best way forward for you.

Next, we will deep dive into your financial information and operational setup. Then, based on our improved understanding of your business, we will be able to assess if your brand is a suitable fit for Rollrocker’s portfolio, in which case we will make you a strong offer.

If we have agreed on everything, now it's time to make it legal.
RollRockers never buys companies. We only care about the brand you own and your digital assets.
What matters to us is your brand and what you produce.


Your company should meet the following requirements:
Clean book keeping with all existing financial statements
- EBITDA of at least €50,000
- At least 15% EBITDA margin
- Operating history of at least 18 months
- Have registered trademarks for all products in all geographies you are selling in

There are a myriad of reasons why entrepreneurs want to sell businesses.
It could be to focus on their next project, or because they have taken their brand as far as they can, or something as simple as spending more time with their family. Our job is not to convince anyone to sell, but to be there when they are ready to explore a potential sale. Whether it's tomorrow or in two years time, we still want to connect and learn more about your business. At the very least, you're going to walk away with a free valuation of your business and some pointers on what to focus on for the next time we speak.

We only buy 100% of the shares or assets.
In any case where we are not very sure, we only take over your digital stores and brands.
We also do not bear the risks of acquiring companies.

Typically, it takes 2-3 months. However, this may vary depending on the complexity and transaction structure of your business.
After the sales agreement, the handover procedures continue for at least 1 month.

We look at multiple factors, including financials and operational setup. However, we also look at the development of the brand over time and attach great importance to product reviews, future growth potential, and product initiatives.

What We Do

If we see the potential in the analysis results; 
We take your brand into a 2-stage funnel. Here, we examine your financial data in the first stage. In the second stage, we examine your supply chain and production operations. 
We decide how to grow all of this together to start a great success story.

What We Do

Let's take a look at your brand and its potential.